Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I do like surprises, generally

Yesterday I found a chocolate chip cookie in my mailbox. This does not normally happen.

I started to look for clues in order to understand this mystery.

Clue #1: It was inside of a little brown bag that told me that it came from Noah's Bagels.
Clue #2: My apartment number was also written on the brown bag. Strange

I thought this was quite odd at first. Maybe someone wants me dead and poisoned the cookie!

My mind immediately wandered to scenes from Snow White where the wicked witch poisons the apple with what appears to be toxic waste.
I quickly discarded that unpleasant thought.
Well anyway, I thought, maybe the Bagel shop is doing a promotional!

However Clue #3 dispelled that. The receipt inside indicated that a) it was from a person - the bagel shop would not buy their own cookies and stuff the bags with receipts- and b) the person who bought the cookie bought 2 of them...

This was getting weirder, but I opened it up and ate it anyway. Sharing with my friend, who also agreed that while the whole things was creepy, the cookie still looked good.

I do realize that this is the same logic that nearly did Snow White in. I'm still in good health today, so unless its a slow-acting poison, I'm probably out of the woods.

1 comment:

W. Jameson said...

glad to see you are back and writing. not having f-book and being a voyeur at heart, it's nice to read...