Monday, April 21, 2008

earth day... oh the irony!

I live in Portland.
Portland is where people who love, nay worship the earth live.
This means Earth Day is a sacred holiday.

It is also a time when people get to push their lefty agendas, particularly the one about global warming.

On Saturday I went to the local Earth Day festival.
I saw electric cars, all sorts of stuff about recycling, and anti-fossil fuel proponents. I even saw a sign claiming that meat-eating was the #2 leading cause of global warming.

Well, it just so happened that the day's temperature was at a record low. We're talking 30's- 40's and they were calling for SNOW. There was an intense hail-storm all throughout this Earth Day Festival, and lots of people were wearing all of their winter gear.

Global warming???
I think to celebrate Earth Day I am going to drive around and then eat some beef.
Hopefully then it will finally warm up around here!

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