Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Guess Its Just the School Marm in Me

I freely and proudly admit to being a bit of a word snob.

Yes it is true, I corralled a large group of people to join me for the Spelling Bee (!) at a local pub. {The weird thing was that almost everyone I invited showed up and brought more people. Who knew that a spelling bee would have such a pull??}

I find men with highly developed vocabulary and spelling skills to be quite hot. Likewise, men who might be hot to start with, and whose aforementioned skills prove to be inferior, quickly become not-so-hot.

I will also admit that, right or wrong, I tend to make character assumptions based on pedantic capabilities.

To further solidify my place as a grammar geek, I relish taking out my
red pen when colleagues ask me to proof-read their corporate propaganda.

Perhaps I missed my calling...

Here are a few blog offerings that get off on other people's ignorance and fully entertain me.
Red Pen, Inc.
The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks

1 comment:


I'd totally have gone to that spelling bee. I think, out of all the things I miss about elementary school, that I miss spelling bees the most. Yeah, I'm a nerd, but with a nickname like The Grammarphile, could you expect anything less? :)

Thanks for linking up to Red Pen, Inc.!