It is a very touching story, surprisingly.
The story is about a flock of expat cherry-headed conures who have somehow all found each other outside of their native land somewhere in South America. They all have their own personalities & they even pair up a couples.
There is one blue-headed conure, named Connor, that hangs out with them, too. Mostly because there aren't other blue-headed conures around for him to hang out with. At one point there was another blue-headed conure that came into the picture. Mark, the guy who sort of ended up being their "care-taker" noticed this and tried to pair them up. They liked each other, but trouble came aknocking when Connor who was a freed pet bird, so now "wild" wanted to be wild again, while his "mate" was more content to stay inside. So they parted ways and Connor was back at square one, a lone blue-headed conure in the midst of a huge flock of feisty cherry-headed conures. What gives, eh?